Dhamma Modana Blog

Welcome to the Dhamma Blog!

Giving you the latest news and updates from the Vancouver Island Vipassana Association. Please sign-up for the local newsletter! 
To subscribe to the local Announcement please send a blank email to [email protected]

Weekly Virtual Group Sittings



Contact- to register:



Virtual or Phone In (Local Vancouver Island) 

 Join Microsoft Teams Meeting

           +1 647-317-5363   Canada, Toronto (Toll)

              Conference ID: 843 089 335#

No registration needed, all old students are welcome, local assistant teacher present, questions/answers, local updates, conversation after group sittings, 8pm-8:30pm.

contact email- [email protected]


Service Dana

The center has lots of landscaping coming up for outdoor dana services, please email the landscaping committee for inquiring.

Email inquiries can be made to [email protected].


Next Trust Meeting, is held on Sunday, January 26, 2025.

There is a 1-hour Group Sitting starting at 10 am which can be attended in person at Dhamma Modana or virtually.

Virtual Trust Meetings can be attended via Link or by phoning in, see below. All trust meetings begin with a 1hr-group sitting, all old students are welcome to join.

10:00 A.MGroup Sit 
11:15 – 13:00  P.MTrust Meeting

*All old students are Welcome to attend

Microsoft Teams

Join the meeting now

Meeting ID: 325 457 426 259, Passcode: G7CV2cU6 Dial in by phone +1 647-317-5363,,643248366# Phone conference ID: 643 248 366#


Dana Possibilities 

To find out about ways you can give services please subscribe to the Announcement or email [email protected]

If you wish to subscribe to the local Announcement please send a blank email to [email protected]

If you wish to unsubscribe from our announcements mailing list, please send an email from your subscribed address to: [email protected]

Monthly donations or dana ($5/$10/$20) can be set up through e-transfer, your employer, or through Canada Helps. Small monthly donations have provided the centre with almost $4,000/month. Monthly pledges are a great support for covering the costs for maintenance, utilities, insurances and taxes in the past year. The centre has been able to hold 8 courses this year, though since the shut-down in March 2020, the occupancy of the center is running at less than 20% person capacity. Please email [email protected] with any questions about setting something up.